Situs Kampung KB dan Pendidikan Indonesia

Selamat datang di situs Kampung KB "Tumbuh Jaya" Desa Tumbuh Mulia Kecamatan Suralaga Lombok Timur NTB. Situs ini berisi 8 pokja Kampung KB seperti Pokja Pendidikan, Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya, Ekonomi, Kesehatan Refreduksi, Lingkungan, Perlindungan dan Kasih Sayang. Selain itu juga, berisi tentang administrasi pendidikan seperti Ruang Guru, Materi K13, Aplikasi K13, Program Kerja, Soal Ujian, Artikel Islam, Hiburan dan Katagori yang meliputi pertanian, peternakan dan perikanan. Semoga situs ini bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup keluarga dan masyarakat menuju Indonesia sejahtera.

Soal penilaian harian bahasa Inggris tentang procedure text.

Berikut ini soal penilaian harian bahasa inggris tentang procedure text kelas IX MTs/SMP. Soal ini terdiri dari 12 soal rumpang. 

Tujuan  soal ini sebagai refrensi latihan atau soal ujian pada tahun pelajaran baru yang akan datang.

Pilihlah jawaban a, b, c atau d yang paling tepat untuk mengisi kalimat yang rumpang.

Text 1
  • Let’s make cheesy frittata. You need to prepare:
  • 2 spring onions, ends trimmed off
  • 4 tbs frozen peas, defrosted
  • 1 courgette, halved with the ends cut off
  • 2 slices of ham
  • 100 g feta cheese
  • 4 eggs

Now, let’s start.
  1. (1)….the oven to 180oC. Snip or cut up the spring onions and put them in a bowl, then add the peas to the bowl.
  2. Grate the courgette using a rotary grater, one half at the time, then place in the bowl.
  3. Cut the ham into pieces over the bowl, so the pieces will fall straight into it.
  4. Break the feta cheese into the bowl by (2)…. it with your hands
  5. Crack the eggs in another bowl and whisk them (3)…. the yolks mix into the whites.
  6. Pour the eggs into the mixture and stir. Brush a round ovenproof dish, with a diameter of 16 cm, with oil. Pour the mixture into the dish, then put the dish in the oven for 30 minutes or until the egg mixture is set. 
  7. Serve with salad and crusty bread.

1. a. Turn off
    b. Switch on
    c. Play on
    d. Shut down

2. a. Crumbling
    b. To crumble
    c. Be crumbled
    d. Crumbled

3. a. Before
    b. Until
    c. During
    d. When

Text 2
First, melt the butter in the (4)… over medium heat. Then, crack open the eggs into the pan and (5)… fry until the yolks begin to harden at the edges (indicated by a lightening in the yolk color). Using the spatula, flip the eggs (6)… and allow cooking ten seconds for over-easy, or up to one minute for over-hard. Finally, add salt and pepper to taste, and serve.

4.  a. kettle
     b. pan
     c. stove
     d. spatula

5.   a. let
      b. make
      c. start
      d. stop to

6.  a. carelessly
     b. reluctantly
     c. carefully
     d. immediately

Text 3
Let’s make Fruit Salad. To make this salad we need mango (not too ripe), apple, grapes, mayonnaise and grated cheese. Here the steps; (7)…, choose the fruit and make sure they are nice and ready to make salad. Wash all of them. Second, (8)……… the grapes in half and remove their pits. Then, chop the mango and the apple. Then slice  them into bite-sized pieces. Next, place all the chopped grapes, mangoes and apples into a bowl. After that, blend the mixed fruit with mayonnaise. Then (9) …… them with grated cheese. Finally please serve and enjoy.

7. a. First                    
    b. After that                            
    c. Next                                    
    d. Finally

8. a. Crush                  
    b. Boil                                    
    c. Cut                                      
    d. Freeze

9. a. Sprinkle                              
    c. Season                
    d. Soak

Text 4
Do you like lollipops? Let’s make them. You’ll need two cups of white granulated sugar, a cup of water, ½ scant teaspoonful of flavouring, a drop of food colouring. You also need tools, such as a pan, stove, thermometer, stick and molds.

First, boil water in a pan on medium heat and (10) …….. sugar into the water. Stir constantly until dissolved. Then, add (11) ……. and food colouring into the pan. After that, check the temperature of the mixture in 150o Celcius. Next, pour the melted sugar into the (12) ……. Don’t forget to insert the stick before the lollipops harden. Finally, extract the lollipops from the molds.

10. a. pour  
      b. chop                
      c. steam    
      d. beat

11 a. sugar    
     b. water  
     c. flavouring  
     d. coloring

12. a. pan
      b. stove
      c. molds
      d. thermometer

Demikian, semoga bermanfaat.

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