Situs Kampung KB dan Pendidikan Indonesia

Selamat datang di situs Kampung KB "Tumbuh Jaya" Desa Tumbuh Mulia Kecamatan Suralaga Lombok Timur NTB. Situs ini berisi 8 pokja Kampung KB seperti Pokja Pendidikan, Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya, Ekonomi, Kesehatan Refreduksi, Lingkungan, Perlindungan dan Kasih Sayang. Selain itu juga, berisi tentang administrasi pendidikan seperti Ruang Guru, Materi K13, Aplikasi K13, Program Kerja, Soal Ujian, Artikel Islam, Hiburan dan Katagori yang meliputi pertanian, peternakan dan perikanan. Semoga situs ini bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup keluarga dan masyarakat menuju Indonesia sejahtera.

Contoh Soal Penilaian Harian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Tingkat MTs/SMP TP. 2019/2020.

Pada kesempatan ini kami berbagi Contoh Soal Penilaian Harian Bahasa Inggris Tingkat MTs/SMP TP. 2019/2020. Soal ini terdiri dari 10 pilihan ganda (multi choice).

Tujuan  soal ini sebagai refrensi latihan dalam semester ganjil pada tahun pelajaran ini.

Read carefully and choose the correct answer between a, b, c, or d !

Cindy: Oh, I have a headache. Can you get me "Bodrex", please? It's on the table.
Tiny: ___________ Here it is.
Cindy: Thank you.

1. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. Of course you are
B. I doubt
C. Never mind
D. Certainly

2. You help someone with a heavy bag. They say ''thank you'' and
    you reply ....
A. No, thanks
B. You're welcome
C. I appreciate it
D. I am grateful

Yozy : Today is your birthday, right?
Dany : Yes, How do you know about it?
Yozy : Have a wonderful day. I have a gift for you.
Dany : Oh my God I really like it __________
Yozy : Never mind.

3. The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. It is disappointing me!
B. It is not special!
C. I’m very satisfied!
D. You're too generous!

4. What is the suitable response of expression “Thank so much!”
A. Welcome home
B. You are welcome
C. Come here
D. Come in please

Jack : Oh no! I forgot to post a letter.
Rudy : Let me help you, because I'm going to the post office.
Jack : You've been very helpful.

5. The underlined expression expresses ....
A. Satisfaction
B. Dissatisfaction
C. Agreement
D. Thanks

Nicole: Harry, I gotta go now.
Harry: But the party’s just started, Nicole.
Nicole: I know. But I have to get up very early tomorrow. Thanks a lot for this amazing party.
Harry: You’re welcome. I may throw another one next week.
Nicole: That would be great. Your parties are famous all around the campus.

6. The underlined phrase means ...
A. The party was great
B. The party was funny
C. The party was poor
D. The party was bored
E. The party was dreadful

7. Rima : Thank you for your attention.
    Anto : ...
A. You are welcome
B. I am very sorry
C. Please excuse me
D. Thanks

8. Irwan : Thank you for coming.
    Anto  : ....
A. Sorry
B. No, problem
C. I don’t know
D. I don’t think so

9. X : Hi, I bought some cookies for you.
    Y : …
A. Thanks very much
B. I’m really sorry
C. How are you
D. I did

10. Jane : Thanks for the drink.
      Nela : …

A. Don’t mention it
B. Thank you
C. Sure
D. Sorry
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