Situs Kampung KB dan Pendidikan Indonesia

Selamat datang di situs Kampung KB "Tumbuh Jaya" Desa Tumbuh Mulia Kecamatan Suralaga Lombok Timur NTB. Situs ini berisi 8 pokja Kampung KB seperti Pokja Pendidikan, Keagamaan, Sosial dan Budaya, Ekonomi, Kesehatan Refreduksi, Lingkungan, Perlindungan dan Kasih Sayang. Selain itu juga, berisi tentang administrasi pendidikan seperti Ruang Guru, Materi K13, Aplikasi K13, Program Kerja, Soal Ujian, Artikel Islam, Hiburan dan Katagori yang meliputi pertanian, peternakan dan perikanan. Semoga situs ini bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup keluarga dan masyarakat menuju Indonesia sejahtera.
  • Arsip Kampung KB Tumbuh Jaya

    Photo Bersama Pengurus Kampung KB Tumbuh Jaya

  • Lomba Kampung BK

    Dokumentasi penyerahan hadiah juara 1 lomba Kampung KB sekabupaten Lombok Timur di Joben Desa Pesanggarahan kecamatan Montong Gading (Sabtu, 22 Juni 2019).

  • Dokumentasi penyerahan hadiah juara 1 lomba Kampung KB sekabupaten Lombok Timur di Joben Desa Pesanggarahan kecamatan Montong Gading (Sabtu, 22 Juni 2019).

Tata Cara Seleksi PPDB Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2021.

Pada kesempatan ini, kami berbagi Tata Cara Seleksi PPDB Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2021. 

Tujuannya sebagai panduan dalam melaksanakan PPDB pada tahun pelajaran baru yang akan datang.

Berikut Tata Cara Seleksi PPDB Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2021:

1. Raudhatul Athfal
a. Seleksi calon peserta didik baru pada RA mempertimbangkan Criteria dengan urutan prioritas sesuai dengan daya tampung berdasarkan:
1) Usia; dan
2) Jarak tempat tinggal ke Raudhatul Athfal.

2. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
a. Penerimaan peserta didik kelas 1 (satu) MI menitikberatkan pada aspek perkembangan anak dan tidak didasarkan pada hasil tes kemampuan membaca, menulis dan berhitung atau bentuk tes ahademiR lainnya sebagai persyaratan penerimaan peserta didik baru.;

b. Penerimaan calon peserta didik baru kelas 1 (satu) MI mempertimbangkan Criteria dengan urutan prioritas sesuai dengan daya tampung berdasarkan ketentuan rombongan belajar sebagai berikut:
1) Usia;
2) Jarak tempat tinggal madrasah;

c. Dalam hal jumlah calon peserta didik melebihi daya tampung satuan pendidikan, maka pemilihan peserta didik MI berdasarkan pada usia calon peserta didik dengan prioritas  dari  yang  paling tua;

d. Jika usia calon peserta didik sebagaimana dimaksud di atas  sama, maka penentuan pada jarak tempat tinggal calon peserta didik yang paling dekat dengan satuan pendidikan;

e. Jika usia dan/ atau jarak tempat tinggal calon peserta didik dengan satuan pendidikan sebagaimana dimaksud sama, maka peserta didik yang mendaftar lebih awal diprioritaskan.

3. Madrasah Tsanawiyah
Seleksi calon peserta didik baru kelas 7 (tujuh) MTs mempertimbangkan Criteria dengan urutan prioritas sesuai dengan daya tampung berdasarkan ketentuan rombongan belajar sebagai berikut:
a. Usia;

b. Hasil seleksi yang diselenggarakan masing-masing satuan pendidikan. Dengan catatan tetap memperhatikan kesempatan calon siswa yang berkebutuhan khusus untuk mendapatkan perhatian sesuai dengan kemampuan satuan pendidikan untuk melayani siswa berkebutuhan khusus.

c. Prestasi di bidang akademik yang dibuktikan dengan perolehan medali emas, perak, perunggu pada KSM, MYRES, KSN, KSN Tk. Kabupaten, KSN  Tk.  Propinsi, dan kompetisi sejenisnya yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Agama, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Kementerian Lainnya, LIPI, dan Perguruan Tinggi Terakreditasi dalam atau luar negeri;

d. Prestasi di bidang non-akademik yang dibuktikan dengan perolehan medali emas, perak, perunggu pada AKSIOMA atau ajang kompetisi sejenis lainnya yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Agama, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Kementerian Lainnya, Pemerintah Daerah, dan lembaga profesional lainnya;

4. Madrasah Aliyah dan Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan
Seleksi calon peserta didik baru kelas 10 (sepuluh) MA mempertimbangkan Criteria dengan urutan prioritas sesuai daya tampung berdasarkan ketentuan rombongan belajar sebagai berikut:
a. Usia;

b. Hasil seleksi yang diselenggarakan masing-masing satuan pendidikan. Dengan catatan tetap memperhatikan kesempatan calon siswa yang berkebutuhan khusus untuk mendapatkan perhatian sesuai dengan kemampuan satuan pendidikan untuk melayani siswa berkebutuhan khusus.
c. Prestasi di bidang akademik dibuktikan dengan perolehan medali  emas, peraR, perunggu pada KSM, MYRES, KSN, KSN Tk. Kabupaten, KSN Tk. Propinsi, dan kompetisi sejenisnya yang diselenggarakan  oleh  Kementerian   Agama, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Kementerian lainnya, LIPI, dam Perguruan Tinggi Terakreditasi dalam atau luar negeri; dan

d. Prestasi di bidang non-akademik yang dibuktikan dengan perolehan medali emas, perak, perunggu pada AKSIOMA atau ajang kompetisi sejenis lainnya yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Agama, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Kementerian Lainnya, Pemerintah Daerah, dan lembaga profesional lainnya.

NEW INFO Selain berbagi lewat blog atau website, kami juga berbagi lewat channel youtube "DUNIA PENDIDIKAN". Oleh karena itu, mari kita dukung channel ini dengan cara like, subscribe, comment dan share.


Download Juknis PPDB Madrasah Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022.

Pada kesempatan ini, kami berbagi Juknis PPDB Madrasah Tahun Pelajaran 2021/2022.

Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru, yang selanjutnya disingkat PPDB adalah penerimaan peserta didik baru pada RA dan Madrasah.

Dalam rangka meningkatkan akses pendidikan Islam yang bermutu, perlu memberikan  kesempatan kepada anak-anak usia sekolah untuk melanjutkan pendidikanriya pada Raudhatul Athfa1,Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Madrasah Tsanawiyah, Madrasah Aliyah dan Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan.

Salah satu misi Kementerian Agama adalah “Meningkatkan akses dan kualitas pendidikan umum berciri agama,  pendidikan  agama  pada satuan pendidikan umum, dan pendidikan  keagamaan”.  Madrasah adalah salah satu jenis pendidikan umum yang mempunyai kekhasan agama Islam dalam binaan Menteri Agama. 

Pelaksanaan Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru merupakan layanan pendidikan guna memenuhi hak-had dasar warga negara untuk memperoleh pendidikan  yang bermutu dan berkeadilan dengan menerapkan  asas  objektif, akuntabel, transparan dan tanpa deskriminatif sehingga mendorong peningkatan arses layanan pendidikan yang bermutu. 

Dalam rangka terus membantu peningkatan akses dan mutu serta relevansi pendidikan, pada tahun pelajaran 2021 / 2022 Kementerian Agama berkomitmen memberikan kesempatan kepada anak bangsa untuk mendapatkan akses pendidikan yang bermutu di madrasah, yaitu Raudhatul Athfal, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah, Madrasah Tsariawiyah, Madrasah Aliyah, baik negeri maupun swasta yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia.

Oleh karena itu, untuk memberikan panduan penerimaan peserta didik baru pada madrasah, Kementerian Agama melalui Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam menetapkan Petunjuk Teknis pelaksanaan kegiatan dimaksud.

Adapun tujuan Petunjuk Teknis Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru Tahun Pelajaran 2021/ 2022 bertujuan untuk:

1. Menjamin penerimaan peserta didik baru di  madrasah  RA,  MI, MTs, MA/ MAK berjalan secara objektif, akuntabel, transparan, dan tanpa  diskriminasi  sehingga  mendorong  peningkatan  akses layanan pendidikan yang berkeadilan.

2. Memberikan pedoman bagi Kepala Madrasah RA, Kepala MI, MTs,
MA/ MAK), orang tua siswa, masyarakat, dan para pemangku kepentingan  lainnya   dalam   rangka   pelaksanaan   penerimaan peserta didik baru (PPDB).

Selanjutnya, Ruang lingkup Petunjuk Teknis Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru ini meliputi tata cara penerimaan pada:
1. Raudlatul Athfal
2. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
3. Madrasah Tsanawiyah
4. Madrasah Aliyah dan
5. Madrasah Aliyah Kejuruan

Untuk lebih jelasnya, silahkan didownload pada link dibawah ini !

NEW INFO Selain berbagi lewat blog atau website, kami juga berbagi lewat channel youtube "DUNIA PENDIDIKAN". Oleh karena itu, mari kita dukung channel ini dengan cara like, subscribe, comment dan share.


Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA/MA Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021.


Pada kesempatan ini, kami berbagi Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA/MA Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021.

Tujuannya sebagai referensi dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi ujian pada semester ini.

Berikut Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA/MA Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021:

A. Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d!

1. My parents … fishing with their friends
a. went
b. goes
c. go
d. going

2. Siti: Mr. Katara, I’d like to introduce my self. _____ a new secretary at Inc.
Mr. Harjono: How do you do? It’s nice to meet you.
Yuli: How do you do? It’s nice to meet you, too.
a. She’s Siti
b. I’m Harjono
c. I’m Siti
d. He’s Harjono

3. Nowadays people prefer using small cars than big ones because they are more…
a. economic
b. economically
c. economical
d. economize

4. Wooden – shelves – small – orange – move – Winda – the – to – living – room
The correct arrangement of the sentence is…..
a. Winda move the orange small wooden shelves to the kitchen
b. Winda move wooden small orange shelves to the kitchen
c. Winda move the shelves wooden small orange to the kitchen
d. Winda move the small orange wooden shelves to kitchen

5. Mr. Bondy is a performer. His work is to make a joke and make people laugh. He usually
performs on a television program. He is so funny and makes other people feel happy. He is
a ...
a. workharder
b. comedian
c. consultant
d. singer

6. ... If borrow this book ?
a. would
b. may
c. do you mind
d. want you

7. ... I take your umbrella ?
a. do you mind
b. will
c. could
d. want

8. Mrs. Susi: How are you, Mrs. Betty?
Mrs. Betty : Fine thanks, ... Mrs. Susi.
Mrs. Susi: Me too.
a. Nice to meet you
b. Never mind
c. Can I help you?
d. See you then

9. A: Hi, my name is Khansa. How do you do?
B: ... , nice to meet you.
a. How are you?
b. I’m fine
c. How do you do
d. I’m alright

10. As I don’t have enough capital to start a business, I would like to apply for a ... from the
a. loan
b. cash
c. debit
d. deposit

11. The boys ... the jacket must be a tourist
a. wears
b. wearing
c. to wear
d. she wears

12. Dian and Yunita ... professional dancers.
a. am
b. are
c. is
d. was

13. Daughter: Mom, have you seen my report card?
Mother : Sure. You are great, my daughter. I’m....
Daughter: Thank you, mom.
a. ashamed of you
b. stolen up with you
c. happy to hear that
d. very proud of you

14. Supri ... to his office by bus.
a. goes
b. gone
c. had gone
d. go

15. Fariz ... to his office by his car.
a. goes
b. gone
c. had gone
d. go

II. Answers these questions correctly !

1. ‘I’d never seen Borobudur tempel until I Visited the Borobudur temple in Magelang city
means ...
Answer: I saw Borobudur temple for the first time in the Magelang city

2. October 23th 1983. The correct way to say this expression is ...
Answer: October the twenty third, nineteen eighty three.

3. Customer : ......................
Waiter : Certainly, madam. I’ll bring your drink soon.
Answer: I’d like some coffee/ a cup of tea/ milk/ minerals (etc), please

4. Harun : Good morning. May I speak to Ulfi?
Ulfi : It’s me. Who’s speaking?
Harun : I am Harun. Ulfi, why were you absent from class?
Ulfi : I got a fever two days ago and I am still not well.
Harun : Oh, dear. I hope ……
Ulfi : Thanks.
Answer: You’ll get better soon

5. Solihin didn’t like the movies and neither did Paijo.
This sentences means ....
Answer: Both Solihin and Paijo didn’t like the movie

NEW INFO Selain berbagi lewat blog atau website, kami juga berbagi lewat channel youtube "DUNIA PENDIDIKAN". Oleh karena itu, mari kita dukung channel ini dengan cara like, subscribe, comment dan share.

Pada kesempatan ini juga, kami berbagi gambaran daftar isi Perangkat Buku Kerja Guru 1, 2, 3 dan 4 pelajaran agama dan umum tingkat pendidikan sebagai persiapan dalam menghadapi semester genap tahun pelajaran 2020/2021.
  1. Kaper
  2. Halaman Pengesahan
  3. SKL, KI dan KD
  4. Silabus
  5. RPP
  6. KKM
  1. Kaver
  2. Halaman Pengesahan
  3. Kode Etik Guru
  4. Ikrar Guru
  5. Tata Tertib Guru
  6. Pembiasaan Guru
  7. Kalender Pendidikan
  8. Analisis Alokasi Waktu
  9. Program Tahunan
  10. Program Semester
  11. Jurnal Agenda Guru
  1. Kaver
  2. Halaman Pengesahan
  3. Daftar Hadir Siswa
  4. Daftar Nilai Siswa
  5. Penilaian Sikap Spritual dan Sosial
  6. Analisis Hasil Penilaian
  7. Program Remidial dan Pengayaan
  8. Daftar Buku Pegangan Guru dan Siswa
  9. Jadwal Mengajar Guru
  10. Daya Serap Siswa
  11. Kumpulan Kisi-Kisi Soal
  12. Kumpulan Soal
  13. Analisis Butir Soal
  14. Perbaikan Soal
  1. Daftar Evaluasi Diri Kerja Guru
  2. Program Tindak Lanjut Kerja Guru
Catatan: Bagi Bapak/Ibu yang ingin dikirimkan file tersebut, silahkan menghubungi Admin via WA: 081997666360.

Prediksi Asesmen Nasional Bahasa Inggris Tingkat MTs/SMP Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021.


Pada kesempatan ini, kami berbagi Prediksi Asesmen Nasional Bahasa Inggris Tingkat MTs/SMP Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021.

Tujuannya sebagai referensi dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi ujian pada semester ini.

Berikut Prediksi Asesmen Nasional Bahasa Inggris Tingkat MTs/SMP Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021:

Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d!

Arrange the following sentences into a correct paragraph !
1. I was very happy when I realized I could ride motorcycle.
2. Nonetheless, I got nervous when I passed the narrow street.
3. 1 lost my control and fell to the ditch.
4. One day, my father bought an old motorcycle.
5. My father taught me how to ride the motorcycle.
6. My father was very patient and gave me directions.
7. In the beginning, everything ran well.

1. The correct arrangement is ....
     A. 7 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 6 – 4
     B. 5 – 4 – 3 – 7 – 6 – 1 – 2
     C. 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 7 – 6
     D. 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 1 – 2 – 3

Read the following text to answer questions number 2 and 3.
G570 4334DDU Laptop with large screen. The laptop also comes with a spatial experience of the screen and it has advanced function features that work efficiently. It is more user-friendly than ever.

G570 433DDU 15.6-Inch Laptop Feature:
1. 15.6-Inch Screen; Integrated Intel HD 3000 Graphics
2. Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit, 4 hours Battery Life
3. 2.5 GHz Intel Core 15-2450M
5. 500 GB 5400 rpm Hard Drive

2. Normally, this laptop can be used for …. hours.
     A. Two and half
     B. Four
     C. Seven
     D. Sixty four

3. From the text we know that ….
     A. The laptop is as user friendly as the previous edition
     B. The laptop has advance function features
     C. The battery can be used for 6 hours
     D. The screen of the laptop is small

Read the following text to answer questions number 4 to 6.
Orchid is one of the most beautiful ...(4)…  on earth. Its trunk is thick and budding. The leaves are Long, stiff, and thick. The colour of this plant can be ...(5)… by using crossing method. It can be white, purple, yellow or others. People like to use orchid as decorative plant. Orchid usually grows ...(6)… on a tree but it is not a parasite. It can only produce flowers not fruit.
     A. Plants
     B. Leaves
     C. Flowers
     D. Trees

     A. Similar
     B. Various
     C. Famous
     D. Difficult

     A. Well
     B. Slowly
     C. Fast
     D. Hard

Download Kisi-kisi PAS Agama dan Umum Semester Ganjil Kelas 9 K-13:

Read the following text to answer questions number 7 and 8.
Student Organization of SMP 182

To: All class captains

Please attend the monthly meeting. It will be held:
Date: Saturday, May 11, 2013
Time: After school
Place: OSIS room

We will discuss the farewell party for the grade IX students. Your attendance will be highly appreciated

OSIS Chairman
OSIS Secretary

7. The monthly meeting is to ….
     A. Request a monthly meeting
     B. Attend at OSIS room
     C. Discuss the farewell party
     D. Appreciate the grade IX students

8. “We will discuss the farewell party for the grade IX students”
The underlined word refers to ….
     A. All grade IX students
     B. OSIS chairman and OSIS secretary
     C. All teacher and students of the school
     D. The OSIS committee and all class captains

Read the following text to answer questions number 9 to 13.
Ojek “motorcycle taxi” began appearing in Jakarta after becak was banned in 1994. Ojek service began as a people’s initiative to provide an alternative transportation for people who used becak from main roads into housing complexes.

There is no government license or control for ojek. By the law, all motorcycle passengers should wear helmet so ojek drivers should have a spare for their passengers to wear. Ojek tends to congregate at t-junctions on main roads and near smaller roads that are not serviced by bus routes.

Ladies should have a careful position in taking ojek. Also, if the women wear a dress, they have to sit side wise on the back of the vehicle. You have to bargain before you get on and ask a local people about the usual price.

9. What is mainly discussed in the text?
     A. Housing complexes
     B. Motorcycle taxi
     C. Alternative transportation
     D. People’s initiative

10. Where do ojeks gather?
     A. In main roads
     B. At housing complexes
     C. At t-junctions
     D. On bus routes

11. What had started ojek to appear?
     A. The government control over ojek
     B. Bus services that cover smaller road
     C. Becak were banned in 1994
     D. New housing complexes were built

12. What is the main idea of paragraph three?
     A. Tips for ojek passengers
     B. Law for motorcycles passengers
     C. The beginning of ojek service
     D. Ojek service’s coverage area

13. From the text, we know that ….
     A. Ojek passengers are mainly women
     B. Ojek has replace becak’s function
     C. Ojek only operate in housing complexes
     D. Ojek has fixed price for its routes

Read the following text to answer questions number 14 to 17.
In ancient times, the king placed a boulder on a roadway. Then he hid and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king’s wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it.

Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything to get the big stone out of the ways. Then a peasant came along, carrying a load of vegetables. On approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After lots of pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. As the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying on the road where the boulder had been.

The purse contained a lot of gold coins and a note from the king indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many others never understand.

14. Why did many people blame the king?
     A. He did not make good roads for them
     B. He loved to hide behind the rock
     C. He showed no care on their roads
     D. He did not keep the road clear

15. What does the last paragraph tell us?
     A. The roads that people built with the king
     B. The person who liked keeping the roads well
     C. The purpose of putting the boulder and purse
     D. The way the peasant removed the boulder on the road

16. From the story, we know that ….
     A. Many people liked the peasant
     B. The peasant was a good man
     C. The boulder was really small
     D. The king was very stingy

17. What can we learn from the story?
     A. A problem may be a blessing in disguise
     B. There are so many problems in life
     C. An obstacle may make us stronger
     D. We have to avoid any problem in our life

Read the following text to answer questions number 18 to 21.
Picasso was one of the most outstanding and important artists of the 1900’s. He was best known for his paintings. Almost every style in modern art was represented in Picasso’s works.

Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain, as the son of an art teacher. He studied painting with his father and also in Madrid.

From 1895 to 1901, he painted realistic works in a traditional style. Then he entered what was called the Blue period. During this time, he only used shades of blue in his paintings to show poverty in Barcelona.

After 1907, he entered the style of cubism. Among his well-known cubist paintings are “The Three Musician” and “The man with a guitar” which depicted the destruction of Spanish town. Picasso died in France in 1973.

18. Picasso used shades of blue in his painting during the Blue Period, because ….
     A. He was sad to live in a traditional Barcelona
     B. The blue was to show poverty in Barcelona
     C. The blue represented modern art of this paintings
     D. Blue was Picasso’s favorite color in his paintings

19. What is the main idea of paragraph three?
     A. Picasso used shades of blue in his paintings
     B. Picasso died in France on 1973
     C. Picasso was taught by his father
     D. Picasso was taught by his father

20. “… which depicted the destruction of Spanish town.” (Paragraph 4).
The underlined word has the same meaning as ….
     A. Drawed
     B. Described
     C. Painted
     D. Presented

21. From the text, we know that ….
     A. Picasso used his paintings to describe his environment
     B. Picasso loved listening to the music and playing guitar
     C. Picasso was born, raised, and died in Malaga, Spain
     D. Picasso only used blue paint in all his paintings

Read the following text to answer questions number 22 and 23.

22. The route that has the earliest time to Bangkok is ….
     A. Bangkok – Chantaburi
     B. Bangkok – Rayong
     C. Bangkok – Kanchanaburi
     D. Bangkok – Kamphaeng phet

23. The timetable showed that ….
     A. The route Onkhaluk – Thalalonkkleay has one trip
     B. There are eight routes from Bangkok to other cities
     C. The longest distances is Bangkok – Chantaburi
     D. The cheapest fare is route Bangkok – Rayong

Read the following text to answer questions number 24 to 26.
Jl. Merpati 56 Jakarta
January 10th,2013

Dear Mely,

I’m sorry, I haven’t written for so long. My family and I have just returned from an interesting holiday at Lake Maninjau near Padang. The lake was a crater surrounded by dense forests and rice fields. We swam in the lake, ate fish from the lake, and enjoyed the cool breezes.

After that, we had a two hour trip to Bukit Tinggi, a small hill top town which was clean, cool, and friendly. Our trip around the hill took us to the coffee, clove, and cinnamon plantation. The traditional Minangkabau houses, with the roof shaped like a buffalo’s horn can be seen everywhere.

I really enjoy my vacation. Do come over and have a look sometime.



24. What does the text tell you about?
     A. Traditional Minangkabau houses
     B. Traveling guidance for visitors
     C. The amazing view of West Sumatera
     D. A trip throughout West Sumatera

25. Where did the writer and his family go after visiting Lake Maninjau?
     A. Country side
     B. Bukit Tinggi
     C. West Sumatra
     D. A small hill

26. From the text, we know that ….
     A. It took 3 hours from Lake Maninjau to Bukit Tinggi
     B. The journey to Bukit Tinggi could only be done by plane
     C. Maninjau lake was situated far away from the forests and rice fields
     D. The writer and his family visited an interesting place during their holiday

Read the following text to answer questions number 27 to 30.
One of the most interesting places to visit is the Bird Park. It is located in the industrial area in Singapore, called Jurong. The bird park is about twelve kilometers from the centre of the city, and it’s easy to get there by bus or by taxi.

It is one of the largest bird park in the world. The birds are kept in large cages, and there are hundreds of beautiful birds from many different parts of the world, including penguins, parrots, eagles, and ostriches. There is a large lake in the park with a restaurant beside it. There is also a very large cage which you can walk in to get a closer look at the birds.

It takes about two hours to see all the birds. You can walk around the park or ride on a bus. The best time to visit the park is in the early morning or late afternoon, when it is cooler.
27. How far is the park from the city?
     A. 2 km
     B. 10 km
     C. 12 km
     D. 100 km

28. Why do many people like to visit the bird park late in the afternoon?
     A. They are busy working in the morning
     B. The weather is not hot in the afternoon
     C. The birds in the park are caged in the morning
     D. They live in many different parts of the world

29. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
     A. The most interesting place in Singapore is the bird park
     B. There is a restaurant next to a large lake in the park
     C. There are hundreds of very beautiful birds in the cages
     D. Singapore Bird Park is the largest bird park in the world

30. “It is located in the industrial area in Singapore.” (paragraph 1)
What does the underlined word mean?
     A. Situated
     B. Held
     C. Conducted
     D. Performed

Read the following text to answer questions number 31 to 34.
A man and his son were going to the market. While they were walking, a country man passed and said, “You fool, what a donkey for but to ride upon?”

So the man put the boy on the donkey. But soon, some passersby said, “See that lazy, young steer. He lets his father walk while he rides.”

So the man ordered his boy to get off and got on himself, but the passerby said, “Shame on… that lazy old man, he lets his poor son walk, while he rides.”

The man did not know what to do. Last, he took his boy on the donkey. Then the passerby said, “Aren’t you ashamed of yourself for overloading the poor donkey?”

The man and the boy got off. They cut down a pole, tied the donkey’s feet to it and raised the pole to their shoulders. They arrived to a bridge when the donkey, getting one of its feet loose, kick all out and caused the boy to drop his end of the pole. In the struggle, the donkey fell over the bridge and then it was drowned.
31. Why did the boy get off from the donkey?
     A. The passerby needed him
     B. His father asked him to do that
     C. The donkey was tired carrying him
     D. The boy wanted to be with the donkey

32. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
     A. The man and his son took a rest near the bridge
     B. The man and his donkey arrived at the market
     C. The man’s behavior made the donkey alive
     D. The donkey was carried by its owners

33. What is the moral value of the text?
     A. You should believe in yourself
     B. You cannot please everyone
     C. Do what everyone asked you for
     D. You must be careful when riding a donkey

34. “… tied the donkey’s feet to it ….” (last paragraph).
The underlined word refers to ….
     A. The market
     B. The donkey
     C. The pole
     D. The river

Read the following text to answer questions number 35 to 38.
Crispy Hash Brown Recipe

3 tbsp olive oil, canola oil, or grape seed oil 1 lb Russel backing potatoes, peeled and grated, salt and pepper.

1. Heat 3 tbsp of oil in a large frying pan on medium heat.
2. Squeeze out as much moisture as you can from the grated potatoes. It’s easier to do this with potatoes ricer. If you don’t have it, you can use paper towel to squeeze it.
3. Add the grated potatoes on the hot frying pan, spread them out along the bottom of the pan. Sprinkle-some salt and pepper on the potatoes. If they have been fried to golden brown, they are ready for a flip. Continue to cook until they are golden brown on the bottom. Put them on the serving plate. Serve for 4 people.
35. What should we do first to make crispy hash brown?
     A. Peel and grate the fried potatoes
     B. Heat the oil in the frying pan
     C. Squeeze the grated potatoes
     D. Sprinkle some salt and pepper

36. How many portions can we serve based on the recipe above?
     A. Three
     B. Four
     C. Five
     D. Six

37. “Squeeze out as much moisture as you can.” (step 2).
The word “moisture” has similar meaning with.
     A. Water
     B. Lotion
     C. Splash
     D. Remain

38. “If you don’t have it ….” (step 2)
What does the underlined word refer to?
     A. Frying pan
     B. Paper towel
     C. Potatoes ricer
     D. Serving plate

Read the following text to answer questions number 39 to 42.
Gardenia plants are popular for the strong sweet scent of their flowers. Gardenia is the national flower in Pakistan. In japan and China, the flower is called Kuchinashi (Japanese) and Thi zi (Chinese).

Gardenia plants are evergreen shrubs. Their small trees can grow to 1 – 5 meters tall. The leaves are 5 – 50 centimeters long and 3 – 25 centimeters broad, dark green, and glossy with a leathery texture. The flowers are in small groups, white, or pale yellow, with 5 – 12 lobes (petals) from 5 – 12 centimeters diameter. They usually bloom in mid-spring to mid-summer. Many species have strong aroma.

To cultivate gardenia as a house plant is not easy. This species can be difficult to grow because it originated in warm humid tropical areas. It demands high humidity and bright (not direct) light to thrive. It flourishes in acidic soil with good drainage and thrives on 20° – 23° C during the day and 15° – 16°C in the evening. Potting soils developed specifically for gardenias are available. It grows no larger than 18 inches in height and width when grown indoor. In climates where it can be grown outdoors, it can reach the height of 6 feet. If water hits the  flowers, they will turn brown.
39. How tall is a gardenia tree?
     A. 3 – 25 cm
     B. 5 – 12 cm
     C. 5 – 50 cm
     D. 1 – 5 m

40. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
     A. It is easy to plant a gardenia tree
     B. A gardenia plant needs high humidity
     C. It’s not easy to plant gardenia as a house plant
     D. A good drainage is important for gardenia plant

41. From the text we know that ….
     A. People don’t like the strong scent of flower
     B. Gardenia is widespread in Asia
     C. The flower is easy to plant
     D. The flower is expensive

42. “… because it originated in warm … (paragraph 3, line 10)
The underlined word refers to ….
     A. The flower
     B. The species
     C. The soil
     D. The leaf

Read the following text to answer questions number 43 to 45.

To: teacher and students

From November 12 to 14, 2013 the library will be closed due to the rearranging of books and seats.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Hasan Madi

43. The text tells us about ….
     A. The librarian’s books and seats
     B. The renovation of the library in November
     C. The temporarily closing of the library
     D. The librarian’s inconvenience

44. Why is the library closed?
     A. The librarian will have vacation
     B. There have been some inconveniences
     C. The students will arrange the books
     D. The books will be rearranged

45. “… we are sorry for the inconvenience.”
The underlined word is similar in meaning to ….
     A. Disruption
     B. Inappropriacy
     C. Unsuitability
     D. Difficulty

For questions 46 to 48, complete the following paragraph with correct word.
When I was at the 8th grade of Junior High School, my family and I went to Bali for three days. I  …(46)…  many experiences during the vacation. First day, we visited Sanur Beach in the early morning. We saw the beautiful  …(47)…  together. On the second day, we spent the day on Tanjung Benoa beach. We spent our last day in Sangeh. We enjoyed the green and shady forest  …(48)…  In the afternoon, we had to check out from the hotel. We went back home bringing so many amazing memories of Bali.
     A. Had
     B. Spent
     C. Pulled
     D. Wanted

     A. Stars
     B. Moon
     C. Sunrise
     D. Sunset

     A. Strangely
     B. Curiously
     C. Quickly
     D. Pleasantly

Arrange the following sentences into a correct paragraph .
49. 1. We left our house at about 5 o’clock in the morning. We took a taxi to the railway station.
2. Finally our train came. All of us rushed to get on the trains.
3. Last Lebaran, my family and I went hometown. We decided to take a train because it is more comfortable.
4. It took about 5 to 7 hours to get to our hometown. We enjoyed our journey.
5. We took the carriage no. 3 according to our tickets.
6. But without any prior information, our train was late for about fifteen minutes, so we had to wait a bit longer.
7. After finding our seats we could sit comfortably.
8. We arrived at the station at six. Our train would leave at 6.40.
The correct arrangement is ....
     A. 3 – 8 – 6 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 7
     B. 3 – 4 – 5 – 8 – 1 – 2 – 6 – 7
     C. 3 – 1 – 8 – 6 – 2 – 5 – 7 – 4
     D. 3 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 7 – 8 – 1 – 6

Read the following text to answer question number 50.

Latihan Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP 2013

50. What does the caution above mean?
     A. We must be careful because harm algae grow in this water
     B. Swimming in this water may harm the algae that grow in it
     C. The algae cannot cause serious harm to the animals
     D. Harmful algae does not grow well in this water 

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Pada kesempatan ini juga, kami berbagi gambaran daftar isi Perangkat Buku Kerja Guru 1, 2, 3 dan 4 pelajaran agama dan umum tingkat pendidikan sebagai persiapan dalam menghadapi semester genap tahun pelajaran 2020/2021.
  1. Kaper
  2. Halaman Pengesahan
  3. SKL, KI dan KD
  4. Silabus
  5. RPP
  6. KKM
  1. Kaver
  2. Halaman Pengesahan
  3. Kode Etik Guru
  4. Ikrar Guru
  5. Tata Tertib Guru
  6. Pembiasaan Guru
  7. Kalender Pendidikan
  8. Analisis Alokasi Waktu
  9. Program Tahunan
  10. Program Semester
  11. Jurnal Agenda Guru
  1. Kaver
  2. Halaman Pengesahan
  3. Daftar Hadir Siswa
  4. Daftar Nilai Siswa
  5. Penilaian Sikap Spritual dan Sosial
  6. Analisis Hasil Penilaian
  7. Program Remidial dan Pengayaan
  8. Daftar Buku Pegangan Guru dan Siswa
  9. Jadwal Mengajar Guru
  10. Daya Serap Siswa
  11. Kumpulan Kisi-Kisi Soal
  12. Kumpulan Soal
  13. Analisis Butir Soal
  14. Perbaikan Soal
  1. Daftar Evaluasi Diri Kerja Guru
  2. Program Tindak Lanjut Kerja Guru
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